Intro to Scala for Java Programmers: Part 1
The goal of this article series is to introduce Scala to people who know how to program in Java, and want a fast introduction to the Scala language in order to be capable of reading (simple) Scala code and of course, understanding it. In part 1 we focus on the most basic constructs like variable declarations, control structures, function definitions.
Variable declaration
In Scala there are two ways to declare a variable, with the keywords val
and var
For example, we can declare the variable toto0
like this:
val toto0 = 1
Or like this:
var toto1 = 1
In both cases we are declaring a variable of type Int
. The difference between
both declarations is that the val
declaration declares a constant,
i.e. the variable cannot be reassigned after its initial definition. On the
other hand, the var
variable can be reassigned a new value.
If you come from Java, the same declarations in Java would be like this:
// val toto0 = 1
final int toto0 = 1;
// var toto1 = 1
int toto0 = 1;
Typing in Scala
If you come from Java and other strongly typed languages, you might have noticed that Scala variable declarations lack a type. However, there is actually a type, but it is inferred by the compiler. Scala has type inference, this is, the compiler will try to infer the type of the variable and you don’t have to type it (most of the time.
Of course, there are times when the compiler cannot infer the type or sometimes
you just want to have the type explicitly to make things clear to the readers of
the code. For this purpose Scala has the :
(colon). The colon is pronounced “is
of type”. Let us look at some examples:
// we can define our same variable but specifying the type
val toto0: Int = 1
The aforementioned code is read as “constant toto0
is of type integer and has
assigned value 1”.
Contrary to some other languages once a variable has a certain type, it stays with that type for the rest of its existence.
Predefined Operations and Types
Scala comes with a standard library containing common types and operations. To simplify, we present the different Scala types together with their Java counterparts:
Java | Scala | Scala Example | Possible values |
byte | Byte | val b: Byte = 1 |
$-2^7$ to $2^7 - 1$ |
short | Short | val s: Short = 1 |
$-2^{15}$ to $2^{15} - 1$ |
char | Char | val c = 'c' |
All Unicode characters. |
int | Int | val i = 1 |
$-2^{31}$ to $2^{31} - 1$ |
long | Long | val l = 1L |
$-2^{63}$ to $2^{63} - 1$ |
float | Float | val f = 1.5f |
All IEEE 754 32 bit single precision floating point values |
double | Double | val d = 1.5 |
All IEEE 754 64 bit double precision floating point values |
boolean | Boolean | val b = true |
$\lbrace$ true , false $\rbrace$ |
void | Unit | val u = () |
$\lbrace$ () $\rbrace$ |
Table 1: List of Scala Value Types
The one type that deserves an explanation is the Unit
type. The unit type only
has one possible value, written as ()
. It is used as the return type for
subroutines that do not return a
value. For example, when we call println
to print a line in Scala it returns a
unit type, we can see an example here:
val r = println("Hello!")
By using the unit type, Scala guarantees that all subroutines are functions, i.e. they always return a value.
Create an integer variable, a long variable, and then a new variable that contains the result of adding both previous variables. What is the type of the new variable?
Basic Operations
The standard numeric data types supported by Scala that we previously shown
support the usual arithmetic operations that we expect them to. Scala supports
all the following operations between numeric types (byte
, short
, int
, float
, double
): +
, -
, *
, /
, and %
. The %
is the modulus
operator, used as follows a % b
and returns the remainder of dividing a
, for example 10 % 3
is equal to 1
The following relational operators ==
, !=
(not equal), >
, >=
(greater or equal),
, <=
(less or equal) are also supported by Scala with their usual semantics
for numeric types. Contrary to Java, the ==
operator actually calls the equals
method when applied to two objects that are not numerical. To have the same
semantics as Java ==
and !=
we need to use the eq
and ne
For Boolean data types Scala supports the classical logical operators &&
(logical and), ||
(logical or), and !
(logical negation) that return a
Boolean value depending on the result of the comparison.
In addition to that, in the same style as Java, Scala supports the assignment
and operation combination, that allows to apply and operation and the assign the
value to a variable in one compact operation. The operators supported are +=
(add and assign), -=
(subtract and assign), *=
(multiply and assign), /=
and assign, /=
(divide and assign), and %=
(modulus and assign). F
var x = 5
x += 2
// x = 7
var y = 10
y %= 3
// y = 1
Control Structures
Scala provides the standard control structures usually found in other languages. Here we focus on the ones that are shared with Java, highlighting Scala’s particularities.
The fundamental building block for control is the well known if-else
statement. In Scala, the particularity of the if-else
statement is that it is
a function, i.e. it returns a value. Let us consider the following example
val a = 5
if (a > 1) 4 else 1
The statement above returns an actual value, the value 4 (since a > 1
). This
means that, in Scala we can assign an if
-block to a variable or use it where
we would expect some value. For example:
val a = 5
val b = if (a > 1) 4 else 1
// b = 4
The question that you might be asking is “What happens when there is no
?”, what is returned then? The answer is simple, the unit value. Let us
consider the following code:
val x = if (false) 5
// x: AnyVal = ()
As you can see, after the execution variable x
contains the value ()
, but
the type of x
is AnyVal
, a type that is the super type of all types listed
in Table 1. Hence, we can see that the compiler inferred the return type of the
expression as AnyVal
Scala also support classic loop instructions such as while
, do-while
, and
. The while
and do-while
work exactly as expected. Let us consider the
following loop:
var x = 3
while (x > 0) {
This loop will print all numbers from 3 to 1. We can do the exact same loop
using the do-while
var x = 3
do {
x -= 1
} while (x > 0)
Following the Scala convention, both of these operations return a value, the
unit value ()
Function Definitions
The definition of a function in Scala is done with the def
keyword, followed by the function name, the list of arguments, the =
sign and
the actual function body. A simple Scala function looks like this:
def add(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
Implement the function
that compares to integers x and y, and returns -1 if x < y, 0 if they are equal, 1 if x > y.
Here we can find the colon that we already met in the last section. It is there
to inform the compiler that x
and y
are parameters of type Int
. Of course,
we can do more complex functions using Scala. For example, we can have a block
of statements with variable definitions, function calls, and everything that you
can have in other common programming languages, the syntax for that is the
def complexFct(x: Int, y: Int) = {
val operand1 = x
val operand2 = y
operand1 + operand2
You might have noticed that the function does not have a return type, like you would have in other languages. Like variable definitions, function return types are inferred by the compiler, thus you (usually) don’t need to tell the compiler the return type of a function. A notable exception for this are recursive functions, which always require the programmer to properly specify the return type, let us look at an example for the factorial function $n! = n \cdot (n - 1) \cdots 2 \cdot 1$. This function is easily defined in Scala as:
def fact(n: Int): Int = if (n > 1) n * fact(n - 1) else 1
We have seen the basics of the Scala language. Using the knowledge we have we can write simple programs by using scalar types, simple arithmetic operations and function definitions.
- For the ranges of the different data types in Scala you can check out the lexical syntax specification of the language.